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Holy Baptism

Baptism, a key Catholic sacrament, symbolizes initiation into the Christian faith, cleansing original sin, and marking the start of a spiritual journey

Steps to receive Holy Baptism at Saint John the Evangelist Church Parish

Infant Holy Baptisms are generally held on Sundays after the 9:00am Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass. 


  1. Call the Church Parish Office (337-276-4576) to register for the Holy
    Sacrament. You will be asked to fill out completely and return the Holy Baptism Packet with an updated census form at least three months before the desired Holy Baptism date. If neither parent is a registered parishioner at Saint John the Evangelist Church Parish, then you must also obtain a letter from your current pastor giving permission for your child to receive Holy Baptism in Saint John the Evangelist Church.

  2. Parents are to be interviewed by the Pastor. After the Holy Baptism Packet and Church Parish Census forms are completed and submitted you will be contacted to schedule this interview.

  3. Godparents are chosen to help the parents be examples of the authentic Roman Catholic Faith life. Please consider this requirement when choosing your child’s Godparents. Only one Godparent is required (but two are permitted: if two are chosen, then one is male and one is female.)


Requirements for Godparents Canon 874

  1. Must be at least 16 years of age. Must be a baptized Roman Catholic who has received the Sacraments of First Holy Eucharist and Holy Confirmation.

  2. May not be the parent of the child being baptized. If married, must be married in the Roman Catholic Church, faithfully attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every Sunday, and living the Roman Catholic Faith.

  3. The two Godparents do not have to be married to one another.

  4. A baptized non-Catholic may not be a Godparent but may serve as a “witness” along with a Roman Catholic Godparent.

  5. A non-baptized person may neither serve as witness nor Godparent.


Remember, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism is not a one-time event; you are committing your child to a way of life in the Holy Roman Catholic Faith. That means you must be working daily to follow the True Roman Catholic Faith as well.

Contact Saint John the Evangelist Church Parish Office for additional information,


Baptism of Christ
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