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​Holy Confirmation

Eucharistic adoration is vital in the Catholic Church, as it deepens the relationship with Jesus Christ. By praying before the Blessed Sacrament, the faithful experience spiritual peace. This practice encourages personal devotion and communal worship, inviting Catholics to grow in faith and gratitude. renew your commitment to living a life of love and service. Let us gather in prayer, support one another, and rejoice in this milestone of faith. Together, let’s nurture the light of Christ in our hearts and in the world. Welcome to the journey of a lifetime!

"In him you also, when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit."

-St. Paul

Holy Confirmation

Holy Confirmation is the completion of Holy Baptism, the giving of the full power of a Roman Catholic. “Confirmation” means a strengthening. This Holy Sacrament strengthens and increases the graces which we receive at Holy Baptism, particularly the capacity of bearing witness to Christ. To emphasize this, the Sacred Rite of Holy Confirmation includes a renewal of our holy baptismal promises. We become full-fledged members of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, lay apostles in the fullest sense. The Bishop normally confirms in a special ceremony. Usually, Holy Confirmation is celebrated at the end of the Eighth-grade year. Please watch the weekly bulletin beginning in August for the registration procedure.

Adults who are not confirmed may be confirmed when the Bishop comes or during the Easter Vigil. Please call Saint John the Evangelist Church Parish Office 337-276-4576, if you desire to receive the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation.

The Sacrament of Confirmation by Jacques Dumont
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