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Lady sitting with Jesus


An "Annulment" is the shorthand way of talking about a "Declaration of Nullity." It is not a Catholic Divorce. Because of what we believe about marriage, we believe it is possible for two people to attempt a marriage, but fail. When you seek an Annulment, you are asking for an investigation into the sacrament to see if it really worked like it was supposed to.

Think of it like reviewing a touchdown at a football game. Sometimes it looks like the ball crossed the line and everyone cheers and the score goes on the board. But, after further review, the ball did not cross and there was no touchdown. It's not that we undo the touchdown, its that it never happened. In the same way an Annulments says "this looked like a marriage, but it really wasn't." Not everyone who applies for an annulment gets it. It depends on what the investigation finds.

Please visit the diocesan website for more information.


Application and Libellus for a Declaration of Nullity

Diocese of Lafayette

The Tribunal

P. O. Box 3387

Lafayette, LA 70502-3387

(337) 261-5623

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