If you are an adult who has never been baptized, you'll need to complete the a process of Initiation. Generally this takes about a year and concludes on Easter Sunday. This process is only scheduled as needed, so please contact the office to speak with the Pastor about starting that process.
If you're a parent seeking to your their child baptized, then thank you for wanting to have your child baptized! Please contact the parish office to get things started. Until then, here's a few things you'll need to know:
If you're a parent seeking to your their child baptized, then thank you for wanting to have your child baptized! Please contact the parish office to get things started. Until then, here's a few things you'll need to know:
- Ordinarily, only parishioners of St. John's can have their child baptized here. You are a parishioner if you live in our territory or you are registered with us.
- If you are not a parishioner, you will have to get your pastor's permission. Please contact your local parish or the place where you are registered.
- Get a letter from them and bring it to the office. We have to have written permission before we can do the Baptism.
- You can have two Godparents, but you must have at least one. To qualify as a Godparent, a person has to be Catholic, over 16, Confirmed, and in good standing with the Catholic Church (practicing their faith).
- A Catholic who is married outside the Church (Justice of the peace, 2nd marriage without annulment, etc.) does not qualify to be a Godparent.
- Non-Catholic Christians are of course welcome to attend, but they cannot be Godparents.
- A non-Catholic Christian can be a "Christian Witness" in addition to the Godparent(s).
- You will have to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class. This class is free and is offered by Fr. Albert as needed. Please call to register for the next class.
- If you cannot make the class, please speak with Fr. Albert and we'll make arrangements for some alternative.
- Generally, baptisms will be held immediately following the Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass one weekends where we don't have Catechsim. Please have family and friends attend the Mass so we can start immediately after.
- Videos and pictures are allowed if they are taken in a respectful and unintrusive way. Baptism is a liturgy, which means everyone present should be focused on prayer and reverent participation. Father will be happy to be take part in any pictures afterwards.